Daughters of the Virgin Mother

Est. 2015

Cor pro corde sacrificatur!

One heart sacrificed for another…

Our History

Founded on May 13, 2015 with the approval of Bishop Peter J. Jugis, JCD

“You have not only a glorious history to remember and to recount, but also a great history still to be accomplished! Look to the future, where the Spirit is sending you in order to do even greater things.”
~ St. John Paul II (Vita Consecrata, 110)

Our Charism

Through the support of spiritual maternity, the Sisters attend to the practical and spiritual needs of men preparing for the Priesthood, as well as those of the men already sharing in the Priesthood of Christ through Holy Orders.

Our Vowed Life

By virtue of their dedication lived in fullness and in joy, consecrated women are called in a singularly fashion to be ‘signs of God’s tender love towards the human race’ and to be special witnesses to the mystery of the Church, Virgin, Bride and Mother” (Vita Consecrata, 57).

Community Life

“Through the Evangelical Counsels, the Sisters give themselves totally to our Lord, the Eternal High Priest. They live out this consecration in community, and as a human community, the Sisters must build their communal life on deep friendship and charity, so that it can be considered a true family living in joy.” -Rule of Life

Our Apostolate

The Sisters primarily serve in the seminary setting, but also in parishes in the Diocese of Charlotte. Supporting priests and seminarians through a life of prayer and sacrifice, we actively assist in roles of cooking, cleaning, chapel maintenance, and administrative work.